Mastodon Culture - Search and Hashtags

A few days ago I did a series of hashtag searches and found groups of conversations of a bunch of interesting topics. Hashtags add speed and excitement to Mastodon. Given that Mastodon has no global text search except for hashtags and there is a reason for it. [Read More]
Tags: mastodon

Adding DISQUS comments.

DISQUS Install Installation of [DISQUS]( for this blog. Updates my disqus account, on my site which has the [Beautiful Jekyll]( Theme uncomment the disqus line in _config.yml and add my Disqus short name from the General Page on my Disqus account. I want to allow comments on this post I... [Read More]
Tags: mastodon

Updating my site with org-mode

I have updated blogging procedure This is of a technical interest on how I actually produce my blog. I have always written by blog pages in emacs and historically have authored in Markdown syntax and the Beautiful Jekyll theme on GitHub. I now author my pages in org mode and... [Read More]
Tags: blog, org-mode

Sauron buys Twitter!!

BREAKING Middle Earth In a report from the Bree Daily, Sauron, of Mordor, has reportedly paid 44 Billion Dollars in exchange for a Seer Stone called "Twitter", a dollar being some odd foreign currency made of paper. [Read More]
Tags: twitter

Where is the algorithm on Mastodon

Twitter users are running for the exits On Twitter national security and political view are expressed by many of those I follow, and today many are moving to mastodon. Last night while auditioning mastodon as a Twitter replacement, I was feeling I did not get the information I desired all... [Read More]
Tags: mastodon