On the Lispificaition of foreign code

MY preference is to have LISP version of external .dll and/or .so code to closely follow the API of the original software, so I can take example code in other languages to “find the way” of the API. I faced several days of learning the lisp-builder-sdl way for sdl1.2 from their examples, there was confusion based on other sdl 1.2 tutorials. SDL upgraded from 1.2 to 2.0 with a good migration document but lispbuilder has not upgraded to sdl2. To use SDL2 capacity I need to switch to cl-sdl2 and relearn “the new way”.

My Way - Trust BUT verify

I need to extract a series of SDL capacities from my lispbuilder-sdl 1.2 version of code and prototype each capacity in cl-sdl2. Here is the list.

  • SDL Init and event loop and key press detection
  • SDL Window
  • SDL TTF rendering

Give the above my debug facility can be implemented.

  • Image reading and display
  • Audio reading and playing

If all above is completed a complete game conversion to sdl2 can be done.

This should be a weeks worth of work.