Weekly Update
Windows update hell
The lispgames/sdl2-ttf is broken on Windows, should file a bug, but it is likely a it works on my machine issue. I have spent two days trying to understand the problem and I have backtracked to creating the cffi interfaces by hand.
SDL 2.0 is cross platform Windows, Mac and Linux
While SDL 2 is cross platform many develorers don’t test on all plaforms. The main SDL 2.0 api is very large so the cffi binding are generated with cl-autowrap. cl-autowrap reads the parsed AST generated by c2ffi which generates spec files from the clang compiler of llvm. This is a very promising technical solution based useful compiler but, when clang or llvm upgrades versions c2ffi must be updated, c2ffi is effectively an extension of the clang software.
To correctly compile c2ffi from scratch
I really should have clang that was compiled in clang on the same platform as you wish to compile c2ffi. Downloading of llvm/clang from the repo take me a long time. The expected compile time is very long. This makes hand coding the smallAPI for sdl2_ttf, sdl2_image and sdl_mixer seem the easier route for me.
The Plan for the week ahead.
cffi coding for sdl2_ttf, sdl2_image and sdl2_mixer and testing.