How we got Common LISP Standard

Calculations for atomic weapons and space based delivery systems for the same are the step father the computer industry. LISP is the second oldest high level programming language, FORTRAN was the first. Both conceieved in the 1950s. Artificial Intelligence, a term coined by LISP’s father John McCarthy, to pigeon hole the space he was interested in exploring.

LISP was developed in several dialects thought the ’80s, a stanard committee was created to create a common dialect which we call Common LISP.

It is my belief that the standard committee did a good job on the standard. The ’80s also brought refined compiler techniques and hardware that makes it possible to run LISP on today’s computers.

McCarthy upto 1980s

The history section of

The Standard Committee

In 1986 the Committee was created to create a standard for LISP.

Techinical Referencs and the ANSI Standard

This page coves the two versions of the standard through ANSI the standard

The HyperSpec

Most discussions of the LISP stamdard are based on the standard base document knonow as the HyperSpec