I am a 65-year-old, Computer Engineering graduate, Lehigh ‘79! and East Stroudsburg High School ‘75! and Middle Smithfield School ‘69!

Why you should ignore this blog

Lately I have been interested in legal and political topics, concerning the internet and the platform Twitter. During 2020 I became a fan of the In Lieu of Fun Show. this was a COVID time experiment by Ben Wittes of Lawfare Blog which is a wonderful resource on legal and nation security matter.

Previously this blog is mainly technical notes to myself, where things do not work as expected. Lately I have been working/playing with LISP.

I have also worked:

  • mostly in Windows but
  • sometimes in Linux decades ago.
  • in java and eclipse.
  • in Pharo - Smalltalk.
  • on renewable energy methods and markets.
  • sometimes in R.
  • mainly in emacs and seldom in vi.
  • architectural drafting in Auto-CAD.
  • 6502 programming on an Apple ][
  • analysis of the mudpack industry
  • Assembly on a CDC 6400
  • a treasurer for a third party congressional candidate.

Contact me
